The Next Edition of HW to HW

Halfway to Halfway and Other River Stories has done better than we ever dreamed it would, and it won first prize for anthologies at the San Francisco Book Festival. Heartened by this success, and knowing that there are many more great tales out there, we are collecting stories for a sequel, to be titled Halfway to Halfway and Back: More River Stories. We invite you to submit one or more stories. We hope to publish the next version by the spring of 2017.

As you know from Halfway to Halfway, we are not looking for epic tales of huge whitewater and acts of great daring. Rather we are looking for the offbeat, the funny, the poignant stories that capture the world of river guiding and outfitting. On acceptance, we will pay you $100 for the non-exclusive right to publish your submission and we offer a 100% kill fee. If we decide not to use your piece, or the book does not get published, you can keep the hundred bucks.

Some General Rules

1. Your story doesn’t have to be perfectly written. We can polish it.
2. You can’t be the hero or heroine of your story.  Goat, yes.  Observer, yes.  But not hero or heroine.
3. Your story doesn’t even have to involve a river as long as it is about river people.
4. Your story should be true –or as close to true as any river story.
5. Your story can’t begin with “No shit, there I was…”
6. We want to avoid sexually explicit tales or stories that focus on blood or other bodily fluids.
7. Typically we’re looking for pieces of 500 to 2,500 words.
8. Don’t expect much compensation. For the first version, we made enough money to pay contributors a few bucks.
9. We can’t guarantee that your story will be published.
10. Have fun with this. Its just a book about river stuff.

Submissions should be emailed to Dick Linford or Bob Volpert.